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Traditional Ways


AUGUST 10-16 2025

Register Starting April 1st
On the shores of Lake Superior, tucked away on an incredible remote beach adjoining northern forests, Black Ash bogs, grassy campsites, and a modern ceremonial roundhouse, you will find the Traditional Ways Gathering.

Here, for one week each summer, our community gathers to celebrate, share and learn skills from traditional cultures around the world.

We uphold an environment that is family oriented and respectful to all. The gathering emphasizes traditional living skills from many different perspectives. It does this without subscribing to any one belief system, way of living, or ideology.

You may join in many different social activities: music and dancing, story telling and trading, or, a variety of discussions. Feel free to spend time alone on the beach too!

Come with an open mind, share your ways, and be respectful of others. This is a unique and powerful time when we can come together to acknowledge and admire both our similarities and differences.
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